Tips To help regrow hairbullet image

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Most people that suffer from hair loss experience their hair falling out at the top of their head and at the frontal area. Most of the time the back of the hair and the sides will remain full. The main reason people experience hair loss is due to male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness will cause the female's hair to begin thinning, while male pattern baldness will cause the male's hair to fall out. Things such as chemotherapy, lack of proper nutrition, certain medications, and certain health conditions can cause a loss of hair in most people. However, there are some people that experience hair loss due to their genetic make up. To discover much more check out this website.

One way to regrow hair is to undergo a procedure commonly called hair transplantation. This is a surgical procedure that uses restoration methods to restore hair on the uncovered scalp. The two methods commonly used in a hair transplantation include follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplantation. Both of these methods are considered invasive surgery. For FUT the skin holding onto the follicles is cut from the back portion of the scalp. This portion is then moved to the areas where it is unconvered. With FUE this surgical procedure gadgets such as punch and forceps can be used to move hair to areas on the scalp that need it. This procedure can take a long time and could take more than one session to complete the process. Both of these surgical procedures can cost you a lot of money. Moreover, these surgeries can leave behind ugly scars when they're performed.

Before either one of these procedures are performed the doctor will place the patient under anesthesia to numb any pain that could be experienced. The entire process can take up to 6 hours to be completed.

Women who undergo this procedure might experience a little difference than what men experience. Even though they are both applied under the same methods, the women's procedure differs due to how the methods are applied. This is mainly because women who experience hair loss problems don't have hair falling out. Instead they experience their hair becoming thinner and thinner. This is why doctors have to take a whole different approach when they perform this surgery on women. The cost of this surgery can run you at least $10,000 if you don't have insurance that covers it. It's best to talk to your doctor about whether or not hair transplant would be a good solution for your hair loss issues.

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